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Go for Needonomics for Human Development in India: Spiritual economist Prof Goel


Economy can be people friendly and socially beneficial only if undertaken in accordance with NAW (Need, Affordability and Worth) approach of the goods and services, told Prof. Goel .

Attribute trains making experience provides both movement therapy to hand along with cognitive development of the child


Attribute trains making experience provides both movement therapy to hand along with cognitive development of the child

Advantages of board games in the development of child with learning difficulties


Medical science informs that board games increase endorphins along with hastening the process of memory formation, cognitive skills and strategic thinking. When an adult or caregiver plays a specially designed board game with child lowers adult’s blood pressure and strengthens the immune system along with developing a good bonding with the child.

Putting child with special needs at ease for reading with proper posture and eye


For proper reading posture, the child should be made to acquire the habit of keeping his or her back straight. It has been suggested that supporting the back of children with special need is central to good posture for reading. The chin should be slightly tucked in so that the eyes trail slightly down from straight gaze.

On converting an activity into therapeutic intervention: Some abstracts from a book


Therapy views individual in terms of his or her functional limitation or disability and the therapist has to design intervention to improve functionally in performing an activity

Linking laughter day celebration with vocabulary building


Half an hour interaction and an experience of laughter sessions with H + Vowel sounds were undertaken and participants reacted positively to the intervention.

School band collage and haiku


Collage is made of pictures taken at Motilal Nehru School of Sports, Rai, Haryana.

Board games lead to learning when every move is codified for learning outcome for children with special needs


Board games lead to learning when every move is codified for learning outcome for children with special needs

Reaping benefits of successive drawing for children with special needs


Reaping benefits of successive drawing for children with special needs

Choosing right kind of pencil on HB graphite scale for children with special needs


The writing skill development of a child with special needs depends on the child’s condition of fine motor muscles of the dominant hand and the right HB graphite scale pencil should be chosen for the child with experimentation with different pencils.

Sight words bingo, housie or tambola game for reinforcing sight vocabulary of mini-lesson for children with special needs


For sight vocabulary reinforcement after a mini-lesson in language development for grades two or three, the traditional Bingo game replaces the numbers with words from the on-going lesson.

Cylinder principle of Basketball: Collage from MNSS, Rai and haiku


Cylinder principle of Basketball: Collage from MNSS, Rai and haiku

Ergonomic pencils and pens can be helpful for writing for children with special needs


Designing right pencil grip-aids reduces the risk of distorting fine motor muscles and causing needless hand fatigue.

On bringing individualized pencil ergonomics to classroom for children with special needs


The schools need to pay attention to designing ergonomic writing utensils to stop the index finger slipping down and reduce pressure to the shaft of the utensils and assistive support to the weight of hand to make writing smooth

Interview as qualitative research tool: A short note and a sketch note


researcher (Interviewer) asks questions from participants (Interviewees) and the responses are written, typed, audio-taped or video-recorded for later transcription, summarizing and analysis.

Vital Role of Research in Special Education: A non poem


Test out interventions To fine tune that What works for each child!

Enhancing attentiveness through least distractive learning environment and movements-and-breaks activities


The children with special needs; who are highly inattentive, hyperactive, distractive and have inconsistent alertness; should be intervened early for improving their attentiveness. They should be involved systematically with pre-designed activities to enhance their attentiveness, alertness and prevent their distractions.

A short poem on pup in Hindi and a sketch for children with special needs


A short poem on pup in Hindi and a sketch for children with special needs

Alternative education at upper primary level emphasised dual code strategy for language teaching


In dual code strategy, both the visual code and text codes are combined to create a language learning task sheet to understand the lesson and reinforce vocabulary so as to answer most question given the exercises portion of the lesson in the textbook (Kishore, 2019)

In-service workshop of Pehanchan Shalas teachers for middle school curriculum held, three-fold approach to math instruction at upper primary education emphasized


For math instruction, 3-fold strategy (concept attainment through visual) is relevant along with the learning task format consisted of the solved example, semi-solved example (guided learning) and exercises for individual practice (Kishore 2019). .
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