Channel: Slideshows by User: lalitkishore31
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Simple paper folding to make a dinosaur for children with special needs


Simple paper folding to make a dinosaur for children with special needs

A two-day workshop on compensatory education held in Jhilay of Tonk district in Rajasthan


A two-day workshop on compensatory education held in Jhilay of Tonk district in Rajasthan

Work on read-to-learn skill application in learning of English at grade tem of Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education under compensatory education intervention


Lalit Kishore Kishore (2019) holds that reading skills for learning are needed to developed through summaries and phrasal outlining with enough language exercises after expermentation in CULP’s project in Niwai block.

Conference on leadership at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur: Report as Guest Speaker


According to Kishore (2019), a good leader has three priorities, namely: self, group and community; he has to be realistic in his approach by thinking of self and group first; and he combines his self-goal with the organizational and community goals.

What is perception study: Short note and sketch note


A perception study is mainly a cognitive scientific research related to gathering and analyzing opinions, notions and subjective feelings about a particular entity which is conducted by an independent third part (kishore, 2019)y.

Outcomes of a designed intervention intetervention on a child with speech defects


Echo-recitation and slow reading by pointing out letters with repetitive speaking of selected words led to correction of speech for ‘ch’ showed a prognosis at Disha’s research unit (Kishore, 2019)

Do men and women learn differently: A widely cited article on issues of gender in education


According to Kishore (2019) Due to different lived experiences of women over ages and bigger right hemispherity, women’s way of learning are different than men. Women are more of feeling and multi-tasking individuals who learn better through multi-modal and non-linear learning processes

Role reversal does not lead to gender equity


According to Kishore (2019), gender equity does not mean role reversal but accommodating the learning styles of women in the educational processes by deemphasizing linear thinking and doing away with competitive learning environment. He also maintains what is good for women is also good for men but not vice versa

Dr Kishore contributes profusely to citizen journalism


Dr Kishore contributes profusely to citizen journalism

Feminizing early math experiences: Reflective comment


Kishore (2019) argues that early math experiences can be feminised with the board games in which everyone has an equal chance of success. Besides the non-verbal cognitive development, the non-competitive nature of board games has been found female friendly.

Jaipur’s Disha Foundation launches two-weak long awareness campaign as part of observance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities


The awareness campaign was launched by IAS Pawan Arora, Commissioner- Rajasthan Housing Board, Government of Rajasthan. He drew Mickey Mouse on the canvass covering the van and put his signature on it before flagging it off. Prior to that, Disha’s children had put up a cultural programme.

Re-commit to putting children first since millions still suffered from war, poverty, discrimination and disease: UN Chief on World Children's Day


Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in his Message on WCD-2019 said, "Thirty years ago, nations came together to make a pledge to the children of the world. For the first time, the Convention on the Rights of the Child spelled out a binding global commitment to the inherent rights of every single girl and boy. All countries recognized the unique vulnerability of children, and pledged to provide them with food, healthcare, education and protection."

International Men's Day observed across world


International Men's Day observed across world

Padding stategy in poems leads to effective transition from school language Hindi to English in Indian rural school, finds study


Kishore finds that Hindi poems sung with padded English words can develop initial vocabulary to make a transition to the textbook of English for grade one students of Hindi medium rural schools. Padding in language has been viewed as cushioning of extra or different material in a poem, a speech or a book in the study.

On making science instruction value based


Kishore (2000) argues that science instruction at school level must incorporate values after having taught content at factual and conceptual levels. He holds that by developing scientic temper, value conflicts among science students can be resolved.

On making science instruction value based


Kishore (2000) argues that science instruction at school level must incorporate values after having taught the content at factual and conceptual levels. He holds that by developing scientific temper, value conflicts among science students can be resolved.

Activities with shape puzzles, dissections and tangrams can be useful for gaining insights into geometry, says book by Dr Lalit Kishoreh ashape puzzles


The activities in the book can be done in three hours to work as geometry-readiness programme. The book has been published by the University Book House, Jaipur, which can be used both for demonstration of activities as well as for conducting math lab experiments.

Cooperative learning with positive-psychological foundation preferred by teacher educators, suggests study


Kishore (2019) views cooperative learning as an instructional approach which combines the classroom experiences of academic pedagogy and social pedagogy in small groups with well structured positive interdependence among learners. According to him, teacher educators themselves are needed to use cooperative learning techniques to re-orient themselves so as to prepare prospective teachers with sound psycho-social foundation to become quality teachers. Social pedagogy subscribes for the use of positive psychology elements to make groups cohesive as communities of learners.

Make ‘Old is Gold’ precept component of human development for healthy aging as natural phenomenon and accepted reality: Professor Goel at the World Congress on Gerontology & Geriatrics


‘Old is Gold’ deserve to be understood in the process of sustainable development of the cultures and civilizations in all times to come. The senior citizens are the store house of knowledge, wisdom and experience deserving space in the programmes and policies for healthy aging as HRD activity, told Prof.Goel.

Photographing created water turbulence in a tub


Water turbulence and waves are a bit hard to photograph. But with a digital camera and a tub in a darkened bathroom and some experimentation one can take reasonable photographs of turbulent water. You can use a tripod for keeping camera steady or have a steady grip on the camera.
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