According to Kishore (2019), it has been tested and proved that an adjustable reading board for A-4 learning task sheets not one mitigate strain and stress on the the neck while reading but also enhances attention and concentration for both the child and the special educator. The easy-to-read angle should be adjustable for better results.
In the classroom, at four norms of ergonomics should be ensured, namely, (1) learners study related functions in neutral posture get facilitated; (2) reduction of excessive force on joints of backbone and neck by adjusting assistive aids; (3) Functioning with proper height; and (4) facilitating facial, hand's and neck's fine motor movements for enhanced attentiveness.
Kishore (2019) while listing out 10 manipulative activities with straws says that inexpensive drinking straws can work as a neat and manageable manipulative material for fine motor development and coordination skills of children with special needs
Ergonomic chairs are designed specifically to support the body along its natural contours after studying the weight, height, proportions and physical conditions to reduce pressure points on tail bone, pelvis, back and neck and pain to acquire and maintain better posture.
According to Kishore (2019), the quality of school teachers depends on the quality of teacher educators and teacher training institutes. Hardly any work is done, on capacity building of teachers.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) of various neuro-developmental disorders characterized by a blend of three kinds of impairments related to communication skills, social skills and repetitive behaviour. Further, Children with autism show a deficit with social skills, social reciprocity and academic skills. Interventions and techniques are designed and transacted to help enhance these skills.
Two things are common in all ASDs.
Exposure of Special Education Pupil Teachers to In-House Produced Short Academic Video to Assess Their Analytical Thinking: A Visual-Research Based Pedagogical
Often for a therapeutic, associative or healing story, the therapist needs to find a story akin to that of the client’s life story. Or else, the client could be asked to construct a personal-experience story with imaginary characters in a different setting.