A poem on the Sun for children with special needs
Kishore (2018) while giving an example a poem for children with special needs spells out a procedure with visual and gesture support to be used as education therapy.
View ArticleHindi and English poems for children with special needs to be recited with...
Kishore (2018) suggests that to create literature for children with special needs should be short and recited with gestures to build the vocabulary
View ArticleSpiritual solitude: Non-poem ~Lalit Kishore
Kishore (2018) explains the spiritual precept of solitude as an existential state of beyond mind within the pure inner-self devoid of thoughts and desires through a non-poem.
View ArticleUnderstanding health, rehabilitation and community based rehabilitation
Kishore (2018) explains the terms like health, disability, rehabilitation and community-based rehabilitation on the basis WHO point-view since most intervention draw strength from it.
View ArticleA non-poem on egoist and a stick drawing ~Lalit Kishore
Kishore (2018) describes the traits of an egoist through a non-poem along with stressing the fact that ego causes the gloom of ignorance - the loss of contact with real self.
View ArticleThe voices heard at two conferences held on teacher education in Punjab in...
Kishore (2018), on the basis of the voices heard at two conferences on teacher education stresses the need for revamping teacher education.
View ArticleDesign and development research in learning: A short note and a sketch note
Kishore (2018) describes briefly the technique of design and development research for application to learning and academic intervention and assets that the technique has an intrinsic validity.
View ArticleSeek self-knowledge that’s beyond ego: Haiku ~Lalit Kishore
Kishore (2018) explains through haiku how to rise above and beyond ego through seeking and striving for self-knowledge.
Kishore (2018), as a part of development of transitional course from Haryanvi dialect to Hindi for school entrants in Haryana, has collected first list of words from the works of Arun Rathi of Sonipat.
View ArticleEternal abode of peace: A non-poem ~Lalit Kishore
Kishore (2018) observes that spirituality lies in listening to inner voice or the pure consciousness and make make the inner-self as an eternal abode.
View ArticleHaryanvi words from Arun Rathi’s posts on Ex-Raist and a comment on dialect’s...
Kishore (2018) comments that in rural schools of Haryana, the cultural linkage of language development of children and pedagogically sound transition from Haryanvi dialect to school language of Hindi...
View ArticleOn making a beginning for transition of Haryanvi to school language of Hindi...
Kishore (2108) suggests that a beginning for transition from home to school language in Haryana can be made for rural kids with short poems, flash cards and worksheets.
View ArticleSix-word nano-poems on the Truth in Hindi ~Lalit Kishore
Kishore' s (2018) six-words poems in Hindi go as follows: सत्यही / धर्म है। / सत्यही ईश है। सत्य / सतत है , / अजर , अमर है। सत्य / आत्मशुद्धि है, / तात्विक अनुभूति है। विकारोंको / दूर करो , / आत्मरुपी...
View ArticleA poem on cycle and its successive drawing for children with special needs
Kishore (2018) exemplifies a four- line gestures-supported poems along with visual code learning through successive drawing for language and cognitive development of children with learning disabilities.
Kishore (2018) holds that schools have become the places that are mis-educating learners by valuing competition and control and through a non-poem makes a plea for unschooling.
View ArticleNews about CASTME award scheme
CASTME e-Newsletter “Number 13 www.castme.online December 2017/New Year 2018” invited entries for the CASTME Award Scheme - Supported by Findel Education Resources to be submitted to Kathleen Nugent,...
View ArticleTwo little fish: A poem for children with special needs with gestures and...
Kishore (2018) gives an example of short poem on fish with visual and gesture support for language development of children with special needs including those with learning disabilities.
View ArticleCreate short gestures-based assisted-movement supported poems for special...
A focus group report by Kishore (2018) recommends that iIt is desirable that a special educator should be trained in education therapy for creating short poems and gestures for practice by students...
View ArticleA template for learning Haryanvi by Hindi speaking learners ~Lait Kishore
Kishore (2018) has created template for the learning task to acquire the vocabulary of local dialect such as Haryanvi after reading a passage by adult learners..
View ArticleA short note on yoga therapy for people with infirmity and disorders
Kishore (2018) observes that yoga therapy for people with special needs has be person-centric and administered by a certified therapist.
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