The article of Dr Lalit Kishore “Homosexuality is Sinful, Desires are Disordered: Catholicism” was picked up by Sinlung portal for circulation under the category of ‘relationship’. It was reproduced from Indian portal on January 6, 2009.
The write-up describes the usefulness of concept maps to teach science at upper-primary level. The various types of simple concept maps have been illustrated. Also, the instructional strategies and materials for using concept maps have been described.
The award winning entry of Dr. Kishore’s work is titled “Adjusting Science Instruction to Needs of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities: Designing and Clinical Trialling of Select Lessons for Standardization of Visual Support Material.”
For an approximate ergonomically appropriate slant angle for a child with special, the experience at Disha informs that the following trigonometric formula is useful.
Tangent of slant angle: Sitting height of the child / full arm length of the child
Other activities to link culture with learning: Cut-and-paste; tactile pichkari with thick thread; vocabulary search puzzle; card game; colour recognition card game; air pressure with straw dipper
“A conceptual framework for an intervention is always based on a current level of body of knowledge or application of latest theory in the concerned work area. The transformation towards effectiveness and efficiency in an informed way via putting a theory into action works as an intrinsic motivation for designing the intervention. The conceptual framework finalization is something that an organization can develop by gathering quick information through a focus group with a knowledgeable person as the lead person with credentials of being in touch with the latest in field (Kishore, 2020)
Learning by an LD child is to be accomplished through practice and internalization of learning as an integral part of teaching-learning-evaluation continuum. Often, in the classroom, the teacher works both as an instructor as well as a writer for an LD child (2020)
A mini-lesson for children has content with not more than six new words for children with special needs (CWSN) and requires micro-learning process with a protocol of more than six steps to be performed with building the sight vocabulary first, which is followed by modeling, echo-speaking, recognition evaluation, remediation, over-learning. The reinforcement of vocabulary must be done card games, board games and word puzzles (Kishore, 2020)