Economy can be people friendly and socially beneficial only if undertaken in accordance with NAW (Need, Affordability and Worth) approach for online marketing of goods and services: Spiritual economist Professor MM Goel
The ASE-2020 conference will also be marked with the announcement of the winners of the Commonwealth FINDEL-CASTME Awards-2019 for which the Dr Lalit Kishore of Disha Foundation of Jaipur had sent the entry “Adjusting Science Instruction to Needs of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities: Designing and Clinical Trialling of Select Lessons for Standardization of Visual Support Material”
Researcher based at Disha Foundation in Jaipur of India chosen for Commonwealth Award for innovative project of science instruction to children with dysgraphia
The entry “Adjusting Science Instruction to Needs of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities: Designing and Clinical Trialling of Select Lessons for Standardization of Visual Support Material” submitted as innovation in STEM education has been selected for Findel-CASTME Award for the year 2019. Researcher and educator Dr Lalit Kishore at Disha- A Resource Centre for Multiple Disabilities in Jaipur had carried out the innovative educational project related to learning of science by dysgraphic children.
According to Kishore (2019), development of literacy and numeracy skills in grades one and two should be imparted in a way to be helpful to later disciplinary studies.
According to Kishore (2019), for designing an individualized slant reading slant board for children with special needs, a minimum slant angle of 20 degrees could be used to begin with and with trialling the the angle can be adjusted as per the height of the child.
According to Kishore (2019), quality of school depends student-centric learning approach with the element of individual guidance linked to formative evaluation and participatory management underlining professional team work of the staff.