A focus group discussion was done at disha foundation, jaipur in which dr. lalit kishore, dr. alka awasthi and mr. manoj kumar maan, research scholar, music department, university of mumbai participated for one and half hours and discussed relationship between music and children with special needs. A reference was made on the paper of mr. maan titled "role of rhythm in music therapy for sensory regulation in children with autism" we discussed the tools to collect data and it was stressed that the conventional tools should be supported by visual data analysis such as video recording and photographs.
A focus group discussion was done at disha foundation, jaipur in which dr. lalit kishore, dr. alka awasthi and mr. manoj kumar maan, research scholar, music department, university of mumbai participated for one and half hours and discussed relationship between music and children with special needs. A reference was made on the paper of mr. maan titled "role of rhythm in music therapy for sensory regulation in children with autism" we discussed the tools to collect data and it was stressed that the conventional tools should be supported by visual data analysis such as video recording and photographs.